Dog and Puppy Classes

Day Training

(5 Months and older)

Perfect for households that would appreciate a little extra help in a shorter amount of time to address the main training goals and behavioral issues.

Your dog can be trained in your own home, on field trips and in your trainer's personal home to speed up the generalization of skills and exposure to different social environments.

You will learn how to continue training through a scheduled personal lesson each week and homework assistance!

Commonly best suited for families with time constraints, dogs with or w/out behavioral issues, younger dogs needing socialization and exposure to more healthy experiences, etc.

All Day Training Lesson Programs include:

  • Customized Training Plan to reach your goals.

  • Private lesson each week ( for 3wks) to work hands-on with a trainer.

  • Video references available for homework/specific requests.

  • Continued Phone/Email support.

You will learn how to create trust with clear communication, structure and consistency, reinforce good habits, how to appropriately address unwanted habits, create confidence, and build a strong bond to help your dog become a better version of themselves!

Concepts:  Come when called, Loose leash walking (with distractions and in various environments), Waiting at the door and other boundary training, Greeting Friends and Strangers, Proper socialization with dogs and what to expect, Energy management, Building attention and engagement in challenging environments, confidence building,

  • 1x a Week Training for 3 Consecutive weeks.

  • 2- 3x a Week for 3 Consecutive weeks.

  • 3x a Week for 3-6 Consecutive weeks. Varying schedule to best suit needs and progression throughout training duration.

Private Training

(5 Months and older)

Personalized with individual attention for dog owners that are looking to have a more hands-on approach, dedicated to their dogs growth and wanting to be an active participant for every step of the way on the journey to a better relationship with their canine companion.

  • Commonly best suited for ANY goals or behavioral issues, families and individuals working from home, owners with more time in their everyday life.

All Private Lesson Programs include:

  • Personalized Training Plan to reach your goals.

  • Easy-to- follow CUSTOMIZED homework each week.

  • Continued Phone/Email support.

You will learn how to understand what your dog needs or wants, create trust with clear communication, structure and consistency, reinforce good habits, how to appropriately address unwanted habits, create confidence, and build a strong bond to help your dog become a better version of themselves!

Commands : Come . Sit . Down . Off/Leave It . Break (a release command) . Quiet

(and any specifics needed to address personal goals)

Concepts:  Come when called, Loose leash walking (with distractions and in various environments), Waiting at the door and other boundary training, Greeting Friends and Strangers, Proper socialization with dogs and what to expect, Energy management, Building attention and engagement in challenging environments, confidence building, addressing Separation Anxiety and Containment issues, and any custom goals needing to be addressed!

  • 3 (90 Min) Private lessons - Home or Park/Store

    This program is meant for the average dog (without behavioral issues) needing to build their foundational skills, eliminate some annoying habits and become their best self.

  • 5 (90 Min) Private lessons - Home or Park

    This program is meant to start the foundational understanding required to fix some behavioral issues, develop reliable obedience around real life distractions, and begin your journey to OFF LEASH!

Puppy Essentials

(8 Weeks - 5 Months)

Are you bringing a new puppy home?

Perhaps this is your first puppy and you need guidance on how to build a strong bond and confident relationship without accidently creating bad habits?

Our Puppy classes are designed for families who want to start their puppy off on the right paw!

What you will learn :

(Including but not limited to)

  • Intro to Concepts of Learning

  • Beginner Obedience commands

  • How to communicate clearly and positively to your puppy

  • Walking without pulling on a leash

  • What appropriate play and socialization looks like with humans and other dogs

  • Puppy Nuisance behaviors like chewing, jumping, nipping, etc.

  • Positive exposure to a variety of sounds, surfaces, people and environments to build confidence and trust

  • Conditioning and Handling for Vet appts, nail trims, and grooming

  • And more!

  • Perfect for someone before or immediately after bringing their new puppy home

    (8 wk -12 wks old):


    1 -2 Hr Starter Lesson will cover topics all puppy owners benefit from:

    -How to address Puppy behaviors like nipping, barking, digging, etc.

    -Kennel Training

    -House Manners & Potty Training

    -What to expect in the 1st week, month and year with your pup

    -Setting up a Schedule for Potty training and Feeding times

    -How and when to start socializing properly with other dogs and their surroundings while building confidence.

    -Basic Commands and Intro to Learning

    -Puppy packet with recommended nutrition info, puppy products and more!

  • (8- 16 weeks)

    3 Private Lessons (60-90Min) at your home.

    $250 -Including Custom Homework

    -Discount on Basic & Advance Dog Training/Board and Train

    -Discounted Client-only boarding